21 December 2005

Atlas Maior

Atlas Maior
Atlas Maior
Joan Blaeu's Atlas Maior, published in 1662, was described by Lloyd A Brown in The Story Of Maps as "in many respects the most beautiful geographical work ever published". It contained around 600 map plates, in multiple volumes, making it the most extensive world atlas ever produced. (Even today's most comprehensive atlases, such as The Times Atlas Of The World, contain fewer than 200 plates.)

Taschen has reprinted the 1665 Latin edition of the Atlas Maior, combining the original eleven volumes into a single folio (titled Atlas Maior Of 1665: The Greatest & Finest Atlas Ever Published). Blaeu's ornate Baroque engravings are beautifully reproduced, and introduced by Peter van der Krogt. He contributed to The History Of Cartography: Cartography In The European Renaissance Part II, which describes the Atlas Maior as "a fiercely coveted status symbol among wealthy patricians" - an extravagant collector's item, now available in a more accessible form thanks to Taschen's lavish reprint.

17 December 2005

Nine Great Movies from Nine Decades


Richard Corliss and Richard Schickel, film critics for Time magazine, have compiled a list of nine greatest films by selecting one title from each decade, from the 1920s to the early 2000s. In chronological order, the nine films are: Metropolis from the 1920s, Dodsworth from the 1930s, Citizen Kane from the 1940s, Ikiru (生きる) from the 1950s, Persona from the 1960s, Chinatown from the 1970s, Decalogue (Dekalog) from the 1980s, Pulp Fiction from the 1990s, and Talk to Her (Hable con ella) from the 2000s.

(Decalogue is a series of ten films, so there are technically more than nine titles on the list.) Corliss and Schickel’s Nine Great Movies from Nine Decades appeared in the 30th May issue of Time (vol. 165, no. 22). Their full list of 100 titles was published online and reprinted in the Encyclopædia Britannica Almanac.


07 December 2005

1001 Movies
You Must See Before You Die

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, edited by Steven Jay Schneider, is a collaboration between some of the most respected international film critics (including Kim Newman, Geoff Andrew, and Jonathan Rosenbaum), and it represents an outstanding canon of significant films. It was first published in 2003 (with Psycho on the cover). It was reprinted in 2004 (with the same cover), with only two changes: The Barbarian Invasions and Kill Bill I were added, and Adaptation and Far From Heaven were removed.

The new 2005 edition still has 1001 films, thus the new additions have resulted in an equal number of deletions. A handful of (mostly recent) films have been replaced, including, unfortunately, Eyes Wide Shut and Tetsuo. The new entries are all recent, too, including Hero, Oldboy, The Passion Of The Christ, and The Lord Of The Rings.


05 December 2005

My Favourite Film

No, not my favourite film. My Favourite Film, an ABC TV show, was broadcast yesterday in Australia. The programme revealed the results of an Australian public survey to find the nation's favourite films, as follows:

1. The Lord Of The Rings I-III
2. Amelie
3. Blade Runner
4. The Shawshank Redemption
5. Donnie Darko
6. Star Wars IV: A New Hope
7. Pulp Fiction
8. The Princess Bride
9. Gone With The Wind
10. Fight Club

The Lord Of The Rings trilogy is considered as one entry, so the list has thirteen films instead of ten.

29 November 2005

Ken Adam
The Art Of Production Design

Ken Adam: The Art Of Production Design
Christopher Frayling has written an excellent new book about Ken Adam, who worked as a designer for Stanley Kubrick on Dr Strangelove and Barry Lyndon. Ken Adam: The Art Of Production Design includes photos of Kubrick taken by Adam, and photos of Adam taken by Kubrick.

Amazingly, Adam says that "a few years ago" he was taken to the British Film Institute archive in London where he watched the custard-pie-fight epilogue from Dr Strangelove. This sequence, which Kubrick removed from the film at the last minute, had always been considered lost or destroyed, though Frayling's book appears to confirm for the first time that the scene is still extant.

26 November 2005

Full Metal Jacket Diary

Full Metal Jacket Diary
Matthew Modine, star of Full Metal Jacket, has published a journal about the making of the film, Full Metal Jacket Diary. There are plenty of previously-unseen Kubrick photos, and transcripts of conversations between Modine and Kubrick. It's limited to 20,000 copies, and has metal covers (i.e., a 'full metal jacket'). Highlights were previously available as a PDF download, titled Full Metal Dairy [sic], from the Kubrick Exhibition website.

20 November 2005



Prayoon Chanyawongse, widely known as ‘the king of Thai cartoons’, was born 100 years ago, and the new commemorative book Sooklek (ศุขเล็ก) has been published to mark his centenary. It features reprints of classic comic strips, caricatures of several prime ministers, and some of the political cartoons that raised the hackles of the military government in the early 1970s. (Prayoon was warned several times to stop satirising the government. He responded by drawing the Sooklek character, his alter ego, with his mouth sewn shut.)

15 November 2005

Confessions on a Dance Floor

Confessions on a Dance Floor

Madonna’s new album Confessions on a Dance Floor features a dozen tracks: Hung Up, Get Together, Sorry, Future Lovers, I Love New York, Let It Will Be, Forbidden Love, Jump, How High, Isaac, Push, and Like It or Not. A deluxe edition contains the bonus track Fighting Spirit. An extra song, History, is available as the B-side to the single Jump. An additional track, Superpop, is available as an MP3 download for members of Madonna’s Icon fan club.

03 November 2005

The Pocket Essential
Film Soleil

Film Soleil

D.K. Holm’s new book Film Soleil discusses a subgenre of neo-noir films coined by the author: “For want of a better term I have called it “film soleil” to distinguish it from noir proper.” Holm contrasts film soleil with film noir: “If traditional film noir is night and shadows, then film soleil is daytime and sunny.” He cites Chinatown as the key transitional film separating noir from soleil, though he argues that Blood Simple marks the true birth of the subgenre: “The string of sunlit crime films officially began in 1984 with the release of Blood Simple... heralding the arrival of a new cinematic style.”

20 October 2005

The 100 Greatest Movies Of All Time

The 100 Greatest Movies Of All Time
Total Film magazine's editorial staff have selected a list of The 100 Greatest Movies Of All Time, as follows:

1. GoodFellas
2. Vertigo
3. Jaws
4. Fight Club
5. The Godfather II
6. Citizen Kane
7. Tokyo Story
8. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
9. The Lord Of The Rings I-III
10. His Girl Friday
11. Persona
12. Chinatown
13. Manhattan
14. Taxi Driver
15. It's A Wonderful Life
16. The Apartment
17. Once Upon A Time In The West
18. All About Eve
19. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
20. Apocalypse Now
21. Crash
22. Sunrise
23. The Godfather
24. Rear Window
25. Sunset Boulevard
26. The Third Man
27. Some Like It Hot
28. Raging Bull
29. The Rules Of The Game
30. Reservoir Dogs
31. Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid
32. Children Of Paradise
33. Star Wars IV: A New Hope
34. The Searchers
35. A Matter Of Life & Death
36. 2001: A Space Odyssey
37. Touch Of Evil
38. Badlands
39. Monty Python & The Holy Grail
40. ET: The Extra-Terrestrial
41. The Last Picture Show
42. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
43. Heat
44. Annie Hall
45. Mean Streets
46. Nashville
47. Blade Runner
48. Singin' In The Rain
49. Pulp Fiction
50. It Happened One Night
51. Aliens
52. Sullivan's Travels
53. The Deer Hunter
54. Miller's Crossing
55. Kiss Me Deadly
56. The Shawshank Redemption
57. Sweet Smell Of Success
58. Die Hard
59. Blue Velvet
60. The Outlaw Josey Wales
61. Halloween
62. The Night Of The Hunter
63. The Matrix
64. The Conversation
65. 8½
66. Seven
67. L'Atalante
68. This Is Spinal Tap
69. Sideways
70. Dawn Of The Dead
71. North By Northwest
72. The Terminator
73. Hoop Dreams
74. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
75. The Wild Bunch
76. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
77. Lawrence Of Arabia
78. The Graduate
79. The Wicker Man
80. Day For Night
81. The Shining
82. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
83. The Wizard Of Oz
84. Metropolis
85. The King Of Comedy
86. Kind Hearts & Coronets
87. Donnie Darko
88. Get Carter
89. Rio Bravo
90. Psycho
91. Decalogue I-X
92. Back To The Future
93. Salvador
94. Magnolia
95. The Usual Suspects
96. Stand By Me
97. Trainspotting
98. Casablanca
99. Three Kings
100. Goldfinger

Strictly speaking, there are more than 100 films here, as the ten films comprising Decalogue are listed as a single entry, as are the three films in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Interestingly, though, The Godfather and its sequel are split, whereas many such lists treat them as the same film. Note that Crash is the Paul Haggis Oscar-winner, not the scandalous David Cronenberg film. Also, Some Like It Hot is the 1959 comic masterpiece, not the obscure 1939 comedy; and Psycho is the original version.

10 October 2005

“If he were not a monk...”

Democracy Monument

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra filed a libel lawsuit today against his former ally Sondhi Limthongkul, owner of the Manager Daily (ผู้จัดการรายวัน) newspaper, seeking ฿500 million in damages. Manager published the full text of a sermon delivered by Luang Ta Maha Bua, a monk who was highly critical of Thaksin.

Speaking on the morning of 27th September from his temple in Udon Thani, the monk accused Thaksin of attempting to userp power from the monarchy. His sermon was published on Manager’s website that evening. Thaksin’s lawyer, Thana Benjathikul, explained that the monk himself would not be sued, as this would cause public disapproval: “If he were not a monk, we would have taken legal action against him”.

Maha Bua’s speech was broadcast online and widely reported in the media, yet Thaksin has singled out Manager for his defamation lawsuit. This makes clear that the case is politically motivated, another example of the vexatious litigation practised by both Thaksin and Sondhi.


02 October 2005


This image is taken from Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper which published twelve cartoons caricaturing Mohammed on 30th September. Visual depictions of Mohammed are regarded as idolatrous and are thus forbidden by Islam.

09 September 2005


I saw Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon today, a very thought-provoking film. Although the absolute truth of the events it describes is shown to be irrelevant, I can't help wondering exactly what the 'real' scenario is.

The plot is, at least initially, uncomplicated: a woman is raped by a bandit and her husband is killed. Also, the film has only three locations: the wood where the rape and killing take place, an open-air court where witnesses describe the events, and a derelict building in which the situation is discussed during a rainstorm. The action begins in medias res, like many of Kurosawa's narratives.

What the director does with this simple scenario is quite amazing: he presents the narrative in flashback, from the perspectives of four different people as reported by others. Each version of the events is different, as each one favours its own self-serving and unreliable narrator. We are never told which, if indeed any, of these versions is entirely true, though we are left with the clear awareness that truth itself is highly subjective. We may doubt the veracity of many of the characters, though the film is ultimately optimistic, with the rainstorm ending and an abandoned baby being cared for.

Toshiro Mifune stars as the proud yet naive bandit. He recounts what he regards as his noble actions, though, in one version of events, the woman escapes after he begs her to marry him. Her surprisingly stoical husband reacts calmly to everything around him though is also a skilled samurai swordsman. His wife is alternately terrified and dominant, screaming in fear though later mocking the two men for their lack of verility. So, each version of the story presents a different interpretation of the characters.

In the wood where the central events take place, the sun shines through the trees creating a dappled light like Pierre Auguste Renoir's painting Moulin De La Galette. Kurosawa also films the sun itself, glinting between the trees; he was apparently one of the first directors to point his camera directly at the sun, and when he does so in Rashomon the effect is beautiful and natural.

22 August 2005

Black God, White Devil

Black God White Devil
I saw Glauber Rocha's film Black God, White Devil today. The film looks stunning, with black-and-white, almost solarised, photography. At the start, the camera is hand-held and moving frenetically, but later there are some lovely images of desert landscapes and ruined buildings. It's a very slow film, though, with the ritualised action punctuated by long pauses in which the characters simply stand around staring at each other. Most characters also have a knack for speaking with portentous pauses, which slows things down even more.

Rocha was the most influential director of Brazil's New Cinema movement in the 1960s, and this was his first internationally-famous film, but the earlier social realist New Cinema films are arguably more important than the theatricality of Black God, White Devil.

20 August 2005

The 50 Greatest Films Of All Time

Vanity Fair
The current issue of Vanity Fair has a feature listing The 50 Greatest Films Of All Time. They don't explain who wrote the article, or who chose the fifty films, and the titles are listed alphabetically:
  • All About Eve
  • Amarcord
  • Annie Hall
  • Blow-Up
  • Bonnie & Clyde
  • Breathless
  • Bringing Up Baby
  • Casablanca
  • Chinatown
  • Citizen Kane
  • The Conformist
  • Die Hard
  • Dirty Harry
  • Double Indemnity
  • Dumbo
  • The General
  • The Godfather
  • The Godfather II
  • Goldfinger
  • The Gold Rush
  • Gone With The Wind
  • GoodFellas
  • The Graduate
  • Grand Illusion
  • It Happened One Night
  • It's A Gift
  • Jaws
  • Lawrence Of Arabia
  • Mildred Pierce
  • National Lampoon's Animal House
  • North By Northwest
  • Now Voyager
  • Old School
  • Paths Of Glory
  • Psycho
  • Red River
  • Reds
  • Rome: Open City
  • The Rules Of The Game
  • Seven Samurai
  • The Seventh Seal
  • Singin' In The Rain
  • Some Like It Hot
  • Stagecoach
  • Sullivan's Travels
  • Sunset Boulevard
  • Toy Story
  • Trouble In Paradise
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The Wild Bunch
  • The Wizard Of Oz
  • The Women
Film lists like this can broadly be divided into three types.

Classical Hollywood lists:
Golden Age films like Gone With The Wind and The Wizard Of Oz, selected by nostalgic film critics with rose-tinted glasses.

World cinema lists:
arthouse films like Pather Panchali and Seven Samurai, which are selected by film directors simply because they always have been.

New Hollywood lists:
American cinema 1970s+, like Star Wars and The Godfather, which appear at the top of lists voted for by the public.

Of these main types, the Vanity Fair one is closest to the 'Classical Hollywood' list. It emphasises classic Hollywood films like Casablanca, Stagecoach, and The Wizard Of Oz. It also finds room for Animal House and Die Hard, though, which is almost criminal considering the films it leaves out (Apocalypse Now, A Streetcar Named Desire...). There are only eight foreign-language films, which is nowhere near enough.

Citizen Kane and Battleship Potemkin are almost obligatory on lists like this - if a 'greatest films of all time' list doesn't include these, it can't really be a credible list. Personally, I think 2001: A Space Odyssey and Psycho should also be obligatory, too.

Howard Hawks, Francis Coppola, Victor Fleming, Billy Wilder, Michael Curtiz, Jean Renoir, Alfred Hitchcock, and Stanley Kubrick are the only directors who appear twice in the list. I think, in addition, Akira Kurosawa and Orson Welles each deserve another entry.

Fritz Lang and Sergei Eisenstein don't appear here at all, because silent cinema is very under-represented. The only silent films included are the comedies The General and The Gold Rush. This is a shame, considering the many experimental silent films available to choose from. I know Vanity Fair is a glamour magazine not an academic journal, but Un Chien Andalou, Metropolis, Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, and Battleship Potemkin are far more important silent films than the two they chose.

There aren't precisely fifty films on this list - they admit that they (inexplicably) included Old School as an extra guilty pleasure, and (like many such lists) they treat The Godfather and The Godfather II as a single film. Note, by the way, that there are two films called Some Like It Hot: the one on this list is the 1959 comic masterpiece, not the obscure 1939 comedy.

29 July 2005

The Sun

Cameron Diaz has been awarded damages today after winning her High Court libel suit against The Sun in the UK. In an article published on 12th May, the newspaper had falsely claimed that Diaz had been seen kissing an MTV producer.

The article said: "JUSTIN Timberlake's bride-to-be Cameron Diaz has been caught snogging a married man. The Hollywood babe, 32, was spotted in a clinch with the TV producer while her pop star fiancée prepared to go into hospital for a throat operation. Witness Oscar Duran said: 'Cameron wrapped her arms around the guy and started kissing him on the mouth. They stood kissing for a good three minutes.' Cameron and producer Shane Nickerson, 33, who works on her MTV travel show Trippin have enjoyed more than just a professional relationship, according to a US magazine. Mr Duran told how he saw the pair emerging from the Oracle Post studio in Santa Monica where Trippin is dubbed and stop behind bushes in broad daylight. He said: 'They seemed to glance around to see if anyone was watching.' Mr Duran confessed: 'I was surprised they would stand there in public on the sidewalk kissing.' Nickerson's wife Elisa is a high school teacher. They have a one-year-old daughter Lucy."

28 July 2005

Size Counts:
A Celebration of the Erection

Size Counts

Size Counts: A Celebration of the Erection is the first photobook devoted to the phallus. Published in a limited edition of 1,000 copies, it also features erection-themed poetry and a brief history of phallic mythology.

10 July 2005

The Stanley Kubrick Archives

The Stanley Kubrick Archives

An exhibition of artefacts from Stanley Kubrick’s personal archives was held in Germany last year, and will begin an international tour later this year. The exhibition was curated by Bernd Eichhorn, who was one of a select few researchers permitted to examine Kubrick’s archives in situ at Childwickbury Manor (his home in St Albans, near London) after his death. Alison Castle also delved into Kubrick’s storage boxes at Childwickbury, and her new book The Stanley Kubrick Archives, published by Taschen, is arguably the definitive work on Kubrick.

If a book’s weight is any indication of its quality (and it often is), then The Stanley Kubrick Archives is very good indeed, weighing 5kg. This lavish, folio-sized book begins with frame-enlargements from each of Kubrick’s films from Killer's Kiss (under its working title Kiss Me, Kill Me) to Eyes Wide Shut. Unfortunately, this section is problematic for a couple of reasons: it omits Fear and Desire (the feature debut that Kubrick later disowned), and it lists incorrect aspect ratios for three films. (Paths of Glory’s correct ratio is 1.66:1, Lolita’s alternates between 1.33:1 and 1.66:1, and Barry Lyndon’s is 1.66:1).

The second half of the book presents “the nuts and bolts of Kubrick’s creative history.” This is a treasure trove for Kubrick fans, illustrated with more than 800 photographs, script pages, and props. There are also reprints of selected Kubrick interviews, and new essays by Gene D. Phillips, Rodney Hill, and Michel Ciment. Each copy of this (admittedly expensive) book also comes with a CD recording of an interview Kubrick gave to Jeremy Bernstein on 27th November 1966, and a strip of twelve frames from Kubrick’s personal 70mm print of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

04 June 2005

The Jaws Log (expanded edition)

The Jaws Log
The Jaws Log, by Carl Gottlieb (who co-wrote the Jaws screenplay), has been released in an expanded 30th anniversary edition. The book was first published in 1975, and provides a behind-the-scenes account of the making of Steven Spielberg's Jaws.

A 25th anniversary edition appeared in 2001, with new introductions by Peter Benchley (author of the Jaws novel) and Gottlieb, and a selection of on-set photographs; the book's main text was not altered, though extensive footnotes were added. For the 30th anniversary edition, Gottlieb has written a short foreword, though there's no other additional material.

04 May 2005

The Poseidon Adventure

The Poseidon Adventure
The Poseidon Adventure was the film that established the basic conventions of the disaster genre, i.e. a group of A-list stars in peril. In this case, they're guests on a luxury liner which is capsized by a tidal wave.

One of the highlights comes when Gene Hackman realises that, if they propped up a large Christmas tree, they could climb up it and reach a ledge that led to a potential exit. He convinces a small group to climb up, but most of the others won't listen to him. He tries one last time to make them see sense, but they still ignore him. So he climbs up the tree himself, and, from the ledge, he pauses to look down contemptibly at them. Then there's an explosion, and the scene below him looks like Sodom and Gomorrah in hell - a writhing mass of burning people. Hackman turns his back on them and goes through a door to safety... and then he closes the door behind him!

It's one thing to turn his back on them, but closing the door on them as well seems a bit harsh. (Hackman's character is a priest, after all.) It's a very funny moment, though, and the film is worth seeing despite most of the acting (apart from Hackman and Shelley Winters) being a bit ropey. It also has Leslie Nielsen as a deadpan ship's captain at the start, so you think it's going to be a parody but in fact it isn't (not intentionally, anyway).

07 April 2005

Book on the Beach

Book on the Beach

My third book review column, Book on the Beach, has been published in the April issue of Guide of Pattaya magazine (no. 31, p. 8). The article is a review of Donna Leon’s novel Doctored Evidence. My previous columns were published in February and March.


BBC Radio 5 Live

BBC Radio 5 Live

I appeared as a guest on BBC Radio 5 Live yesterday, for the second time this year. (The first was on 27th February.) I also appeared on the station twice in 2003: on Edwina Currie’s show on 28th April, and on Late Night Live on 7th December.

07 March 2005

Book on the Beach

Book on the Beach

My second book review column, Book on the Beach, has been published in the March issue of Guide of Pattaya magazine (no. 30, p. 9). The article is a review of Ian Rankin’s novel Fleshmarket Close. My first column was published in February.


03 March 2005


Haftalik Penguen
Turkish newspaper cartoonist Musa Kart has been fined $3,500 after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan filed a lawsuit against him. The charge relates to Kart's cartoon depicting Erdoğan's head on a cat's body, published in Cumhuriyet on 5th April last year.

In solidarity with Kart, on 24th February the magazine Penguen printed caricatures of Erdoğan as a variety of animals on its front cover. Predictably, Erdoğan has also filed a lawsuit against the magazine.

07 February 2005

Book on the Beach

Book on the Beach

My first book review column, Book on the Beach, has been published in the February issue of Guide of Pattaya magazine (no. 29, p. 8). The article is a review of Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s novel The Shadow of the Wind (La sombra del viento).


06 February 2005

Seeds Of Peace

Seeds Of Peace
Sulak Sivaraksa, publisher of the journal Seeds Of Peace, is being investigated for lèse-majesté due to an article in the journal's January-April issue (volume 21, number 1). Sulak is a Buddhist writer and academic, who has spoken in opposition to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The lèse-majesté charge relates to a feature titled Revenge Of The Forgotten Monarch.

The article, on pages 6-9, has no byline except for the initials BP. It discusses the unexplained death of King Rama VIII: "As for the killing of Ananda, officially it remains an unresolved mystery. In Thailand where even a hint of criticism of the monarchy is a serious criminal offense, inquiries are actively discouraged."

Sulak previously discussed the case in his book เรืองนายปรีดี พนมยงค์ ตามทัศนะ ส. ศิวรักษ์, in which he quotes from a 1948 diplomatic cable from the American ambassador reporting Phibun Songkhram's private comments on the matter. The book was later published in English translation as Powers That Be: Pridi Banomyong Through The Rise And Fall Of Thai Democracy.

09 January 2005

Tak Bai

Same Sky Same Sky

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced last month that anyone selling VCDs containing footage of the Tak Bai incident would be prosecuted. On 25th October last year, more than 1,000 Muslim protesters were rounded up by the army and taken to a military camp. The men were forced to lie on top of each other for five hours while they were being transported, resulting in seventy-eight protesters dying of suffocation. Footage of the incident was not broadcast by state television, though it has been circulating on VCD. Same Sky (ฟ้าเดียวกัน) magazine distributed a Tak Bai VCD — ความจริงที่ตากใบ (‘the truth at Tak Bai’) — with its October–December 2004 issue (vol. 2, no. 4), in defiance of the ban.

07 January 2005

2005 Bangkok International Film Festival

2005 Bangkok International Film Festival

The 2005 Bangkok International Film Festival runs from 13th to 24th January, though a screening of The Sound of Music tomorrow is also part of the festival lineup. The classic musical will have an outdoor, sing-along screening at Benchasiri Park. Catherine Breillat’s sexually explicit drama Anatomy of Hell (Anatomie de l’enfer) will be shown on 14th January, at the SFX Emporium cinema.