Vanessa Brett's Phaidon Guide To Pewter (1981) is a survey of European and American pewter since the seventeenth century, ending with a chapter titled Art Nouveau To Contemporary. Robinson's book is essentially an expanded treatment of the material in that chapter. He discusses German and British pewter in considerable detail, and also covers pewter from France, Holland, Austria, Scandinavia, America, and (briefly) Japan. Gabriele Sterner's Pewter Through 500 Years (1979) has a useful annotated bibliography.
14 January 2016
20th Century Pewter
Vanessa Brett's Phaidon Guide To Pewter (1981) is a survey of European and American pewter since the seventeenth century, ending with a chapter titled Art Nouveau To Contemporary. Robinson's book is essentially an expanded treatment of the material in that chapter. He discusses German and British pewter in considerable detail, and also covers pewter from France, Holland, Austria, Scandinavia, America, and (briefly) Japan. Gabriele Sterner's Pewter Through 500 Years (1979) has a useful annotated bibliography.