An advert by Ketel One, the vodka company, features an alphabetical list of "the 50 best films of all time", as follows:
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- A Clockwork Orange
- American Graffiti
- Annie Hall
- Apocalypse Now
- Battleship Potemkin
- Ben-Hur: A Tale Of The Christ
- The Bridge On The River Kwai
- Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid
- Casablanca
- Chinatown
- Citizen Kane
- Dances With Wolves
- The Deer Hunter
- Dr Zhivago
- Dr Strangelove
- ET: The Extra-Terrestrial
- Easy Rider
- The French Connection
- Giant
- The Godfather II
- Gone With The Wind
- GoodFellas
- The Graduate
- High Noon
- It's A Wonderful Life
- Jaws
- Lawrence Of Arabia
- Midnight Cowboy
- My Fair Lady
- On The Waterfront
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
- Platoon
- Psycho
- Pulp Fiction
- Raging Bull
- Raiders Of The Lost Ark
- Rocky
- Schindler's List
- The Searchers
- The Silence Of The Lambs
- Singin' In The Rain
- Some Like It Hot
- Star Wars IV: A New Hope
- The Sound Of Music
- Taxi Driver
- To Kill A Mockingbird
- Vertigo
- West Side Story
- The Wizard Of Oz
It's populist and weighted towards Hollywood classics, so a few more foreign-language films would be nice (The Seventh Seal and Seven Samurai, at least), but otherwise this is quite a decent list. Note that Ben-Hur is the William Wyler remake rather than the Fred Niblo version. Also, Some Like It Hot is the 1959 comic masterpiece, not the obscure 1939 comedy.